I choose to share space with people that pack light. For a long time I would choose people that carried as much baggage as I was carrying. I mistakenly took intensity for intimacy and my worth told me that I could only choose people who were uninterested in putting the bags down. Once I unpacked my shit, put some bags down and left behind others - I could see clearly. I began attracting lighter humans into my space. I embodied joy and embraced joyful beings. They too had put their baggage down. Now, it becomes painfully clear af when another person comes around me that’s heavy and is hoping to unload in my love. I have to remind myself that I’m no longer here to help others unpack in my space (outside of my coaching business). I choose to graciously bow out.
Spring Cucumber + Banana Smoothie
You’ve never thought of putting these ingredients together in a smoothie, right? And after blending this baby up you will wonder why you had never thought of it yourself. This...